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Girlfriend's Guide to Breast Cancer

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A Podcast on Tina's Breast Cancer Journey, a "Girlfriend's Guide" to Breast Cancer.

Tina's story must be told.  She has lived the breast cancer journey both as the survivor and the daughter of one.  Tina knows both sides of the story.  She has been the ears that have heard, the eyes that have watched, and the hand holder.  She too has been the body that has been sick, weak, and worn.  Her soul has come forward with unyielding optimism about her own future and that of her fellow survivors.  Through her experiences, those affected by breast cancer will find inspiration that they too can hope for a promising future that will wipe away the pain of the past, replacing it with joy and gratitude.  Sit back and listen in to her inspirational Podcast debut, DJ Breast Cancer.

  • Writer's picturedjbreastcancer

Tender Tanks with Carol Largent

This week’s guest on DJ Breast Cancer is Carol Largent. We chat about survivorship, purpose and faith (affectionately referred to by Carol as God nudges).

Carol discusses how her diagnosis felt like nudges from God. From the initial finding of a mass to her doctor ultimately ordering an ultrasound in addition to the mammogram and the needle biopsy/MRI Carol describes her experience with dense breast tissue and the importance of other diagnostics when dealing with dense breast tissue.

After the cancer diagnosis, Carol went on to use her love of crocheting to help others. Faced with a mastectomy, Carol realized the need for clothing that you can slip on without being able to raise your arms. Carol adjusted a tank top with velcro at the top and this became her go to garment. Tender tanks is now available on

Carol describes living life more fully, her bucket lists and how she prefers to look forward instead of backward. We chat about “Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!” We talk about the gift of cancer, taking risks, getting real and taking life in stride!

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