This Thanksgiving five years out, I took time to reflect on all that I am thankful for. I am so blessed to have such a loving family. I made some hand written placecards for everyone at Thanksgiving to tell them why I am thankful for them. Cancer has taught me to tell those you love them, eat the cake, buy the good wine, live in the moment.
Five years ago, I was home sick from my fourth treatment of A/C, the red devil. Jon and I opted to ”wait out” Thanksgiving and celebrate the following weekend when I would be feeling better. All I could muster for an appetite was a few teaspoons of cream of wheat.
Fast forward five years and I truly feel like I won the lottery. I’m in my beautiful home, surrounded by my loved ones, with a meal I created, oh and cancer free!!! I still think about cancer on the regular and I still worry about recurrence, but I have so much to be thankful for today.
Count your blessings, remember to say thank you and I love you.