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Girlfriend's Guide to Breast Cancer

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A Podcast on Tina's Breast Cancer Journey, a "Girlfriend's Guide" to Breast Cancer.

Tina's story must be told.  She has lived the breast cancer journey both as the survivor and the daughter of one.  Tina knows both sides of the story.  She has been the ears that have heard, the eyes that have watched, and the hand holder.  She too has been the body that has been sick, weak, and worn.  Her soul has come forward with unyielding optimism about her own future and that of her fellow survivors.  Through her experiences, those affected by breast cancer will find inspiration that they too can hope for a promising future that will wipe away the pain of the past, replacing it with joy and gratitude.  Sit back and listen in to her inspirational Podcast debut, DJ Breast Cancer.

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Many cancer survivors learn some (or many) life lessons that only cancer can teach you. Like a slap in the face, a frigid cold shower that won’t turn warm, or a frying pan handle to a three year old that makes you acutely aware of you in this moment, right now and prepares you for the next leg of your journey in life.

My guest this week, Tamyra Kelly is no exception. She learned about forgiveness and letting go of hurt and pain in a way that only cancer could let her release. She realized that she was harboring anger and frustration and needed to live free. An evangelical minister, gospel singer and basketball lover, she turned her passion for helping other women into a career of motivational speaking and teaching others how to live free.

Tamyra put her faith in God and truly let Him take the wheel. Information for her commitment to helping others can be found at Tamyra also hosted a women’s conference in Fort Wayne with 600 attendees titled “Go Get Your Towel Back, You Don’t Know My Story“.

The most powerful lesson I learned through breast cancer, was the beautiful simplicity and rhythm to my life, I just needed to allow it. I still love vacations and adventures, but some of the best days are just “normal“. Going to work, coming home to make dinner, catching up on my day with my husband, going for a walk in our neighborhood, watching a tv show together. There is beauty in the “normal“. I have also learned that I still have more to learn, and that’s ok. My other guests teach me, my fellow pink Podcasters teach me, life teaches me... I just need to listen!

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